Painful Intercourse

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About Painful Intercourse (Dyspareunia):

An Overview of Painful Intercourse in women:

Pain during copulation is also known as dyspareunia or painful intercourse in women's sexual life. This term refers to pain in the pelvis and its related area in women. This pain can be intense and occurs before, during, or after intercourse.

Dyspareunia is more common in women than men and there are many causes for this painful sexual dysfunction. Our highly experienced sexologist Dr. Sunil Dubey explains all the causes of this pain during copulation or painful intercourse.

Causes of Painful Intercourses in women:

Generally, many women report this painful intercourse in different stages like- Pain at initial penetration, Pain at deep penetration, and Pain after intercourse.

  1. Thinning of vaginal walls (Atrophy)
  2. Urethral Syndrome
  3. Lack of Moisture
  4. Vaginismus
  5. Vaginal Strictures
  6. Interstitial Cystitis
  7. Endometriosis
  8. Inflammation of Vagina

Above mentioned all the eight causes mostly affect a woman to lead this painful intercourse. Dr. Sunil Dubey, senior sexologist and world renowned ayurvedacharya Dr. Sunil Dubey explains all those causes in depth which all be useful to understand.

1. Thinning of vaginal walls:

Entrance pain caused by thinning of vaginal walls is very common among postmenopausal women. In this situation, the woman patient needs to take medication for hormone replacement. If she does not balance to her hormone level then this painful intercourse is common.
Due to this imbalanced hormone level; blood flow, moisture, and tissue thickness and elasticity directly respond to hormone replacement.

2. Urethral Syndrome:

Urethral syndrome always affects a woman's urethra in which she may have to urinate frequently with frequent urge, pain, and difficulty. This symptom may be caused by chronic inflammation of the urethra from muscle cramps, anxiety, and low estrogen levels.

3. Lack of Moisture:

Lack of moisture always pushes the woman towards painful intercourse. In this situation, a woman needs to educate herself and use natural moisture or vegetable oil.

4. Vaginismus:

Painful spasms of the muscles at the vaginal opening respond to painful stimulation that may be involuntary. These spasms may be painful insertions, past traumatic experiences, past sexual abuse, or past unresolved conflicts regarding sexuality.

5. Vaginal Stricture:

Vaginal contracture is an abnormal narrowing of the vaginal area. Vaginal shrinkage occurs in a woman's sexual health after pelvic surgery, radiation, menopause, estrogen, or special surgical techniques.

6. Interstitial Cystitis:

Generally, there is no known cause of bladder inflammation; however, painful intercourse is a common symptom and cause.

7. Endometriosis:

It occurs when some of the tissues that line the uterus are found outside the uterus. Painful intercourse caused by endometriosis is a common cause.

8. Inflammation of Vagina or vulva:

The inflammation of vaginal refers to infection that may be STD, antifungal, and bacterial infection. Only a sexual physician can determine of infection after the testing.

About the medication and treatment of Painful Intercourse:

In fact, the causes and symptoms mentioned above are related to physical and medical sexual health issues leading to this painful intercourse in women. The senior sexologist Dr. Sunil Dubey says that the women who are suffering from this sexual dysfunction, they should always aware of their sexual health.

This best sexologist of India offers some tips for patients on what to do if they suffer from this painful intercourse.

First of all, if patients have stress they need to leave it. This happens because their pelvic floor muscles become tighter and tighter when they strain. They need to escape the fear, guilt, embarrassment associated with their sexual life. If they have anybody related problems then they have to find a solution somehow. If there are relationship problems between both the partners, it should be resolved. They should take care of their medical problems like cancer, arthritis, and diabetes and thyroid disease. They should try to forget the bad sexual experienced, they suffered in the past.

With warm regards …