Early Ejaculation

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About Early Ejaculation:

An Overview of Early Ejaculation in men:

Early ejaculation or premature ejaculation is a state of psychological sexual dysfunction. In case of quick discharge, the man discharges himself before the completion of sexual orgasm of both the partners. In this situation, the man gets orgasm but his female partner is deprived of orgasm. She remains dissatisfied with this sexual activity.

Mainly, premature ejaculation is a common sexual problem where 30-40 out of 100 men always report about this sexual problem. The average time for male ejaculation or discharge is 5-10 minutes while premature discharge takes less than a minute for the patient.

Mainly, health issues, stress, relationship concerns, and other factors lead a man to this early ejaculation. People who are surrounded by anxiety, stress and emotional trauma; they can cause sexual dysfunction like premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.

As a sexology medical science survey, it was found that 31% of men and 43% of female have some sorts of difficulties during their copulation. Early discharge is not physiological weakness rather than psychological distress. In the medical science, it was also found that a man has an average 11 erections each day whereas a healthy man has 3-5 erections during full night’s sleep.

Causes of Early Ejaculation:
  1. Biological Issues
  2. Psychological Factors
  3. Other factors

Our senior sexologist Dr. Sunil Dubey explains in detail all the reasons why a man is affected by premature ejaculation and psychological sexual problems.

Under the Biological issues, a man who is affected from early ejaculation sexual disorder faces the following conditions:
  1. Unbalanced hormone level in body
  2. Unbalanced levels of brain chemical
  3. Swollen and infection of the prostate gland
  4. Genetic traits
The world renowned sexologist further elaborates on the psychological factors that influence a man to have premature ejaculation. In fact, psychological issue is one of the most common causes of early discharge in people.
  1. Inexperienced in sexual activity
  2. Sexual abuse or assaulted
  3. Poor body posture
  4. Depression and anxiety
  5. Tensed with ejaculation
  6. Guilty feelings about sexual assumption
This long-time experienced sexologist added that the other factors for this early ejaculation can be-
  1. Relationship problems between both partners during sexual activities
  2. Erectile dysfunction, being concerned about maintaining an erection
  3. A set of concerns linked to low sexual performance & early ejaculation
About the diagnosis and treatment of early ejaculation:

Generally, a person who is suffering from the problem of premature ejaculation no longer needs to worry as it is a common sexual problem in men. Naturopathy and herbal medicine can be good for the patient because its natural dosage makes man always healthy and strong.

Dr. Sunil Dubey suggests patients to follow various exercises in their daily life-
  1. Pelvic Floor Exercise
  2. Pause Squeeze Technique
  3. Protector guards
  4. Behavioral Technique if
  5. Consult Dubey Clinic
With wards regards …